Shop By Model
As pearl experts who have inspected and sold more than
a million strands, we understand our customers' need
for information in making such a substantial purchase
as a pearl strand for a loved one. After all, even at
our slashed wholesaler prices, a pearl strand
represents a relatively large and momentous purchase
for most people. That's why we have designed our SHOP
BY MODEL category to be an educational and referential
tool in the pearl-buying process. We are more than
happy to offer you these photographs to help you learn
the ropes in order to make an informed choice. Please
browse through the relevant categories by clicking on
the icons below. Once you feel familiar with exactly
how the strand of pearls you are looking for actually
looks like on a person, you can make a decision that
you feel comfortable and happy with. At American
Pearl, we wouldn't have it any other way.
As pearl experts who have inspected and sold more than
a million strands, we understand our customers' need
for information in making such a substantial purchase
as a pearl strand for a loved one. After all, even at
our slashed wholesaler prices, a pearl strand
represents a relatively large and momentous purchase
for most people. That's why we have designed our SHOP
BY MODEL category to be an educational and referential
tool in the pearl-buying process. We are more than
happy to offer you these photographs to help you learn
the ropes in order to make an informed choice. Please
browse through the relevant categories by clicking on
the icons below. Once you feel familiar with exactly
how the strand of pearls you are looking for actually
looks like on a person, you can make a decision that
you feel comfortable and happy with. At American
Pearl, we wouldn't have it any other way.